Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rainbow lunch

We have an open jar of Thai yellow curry paste that I used in the fabulously satisfying Red Lentil Thai Chili (we used yellow curry paste because shrimpless red was hard to come by at our local. And used pumpkin instead of sweet potato because it is phenomenal with Thai flavours).

I wanted stir-fried noodles to eat with my frozen dumplings, but we didn't have any exciting sauces and I was too lazy to whip one up. Thus curry-fried noodles are born!

Curry-fried Noodles

Chop up an onion. Fry for a few minutes with some oil in a wok or large frying pan.

Chop up a carrot, some cabbage (I used red), some green beans (these pretty much just need their tops and tails off), and pea shoots. Add them to the pan, with the tougher veges first. (These were the veges I had on hand, use whatever that stir fries nicely).

Start cooking a packet of rice noodles.

Towards the end of your frying, add 3 heaped tsp of yellow curry paste, and stir well. Add the noodles when they're done, and mix everything around. Season with a dash of salt and soy sauce (or tamari) to taste. Yum.

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