Monday, April 16, 2012

Souper Pie

Yesterday Dad made an amazing vegetable soup. I should ask him what he did. It was vaguely tomato-ey, with all kinds of delicious market veges chopped up in it, and four kinds of beans. It was so good that, combined with the fire he made, I nearly feel happy about autumn.

The broth was so delicious that it all got et and there was just a whole wet pile of soup veges left over. So I put them in a pie. It was tremendously satisfying. No time for pictures, although it came out quite appropriately pie-looking. I use store-bought vegan puff-pastry for the top, and the ever-reliable Isa's recipe for the bottom. Maybe the olive oil I used was particularly strong or something (sorry Mum and Dad, maybe I used the good stuff?!), but I found the that the crust was more olivey than I was expecting, and that the oil took a long time to get to the semi-solid state - more so than other oils I've tried. But on the other hand the pastry did what it was told for once and came out with a good texture, so I'm not complaining.

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