Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kūmara and celery soup

A veganised kiwi classic...

(serves 5-6)

7-8 medium sized gold kūmara chopped into small chunks
3 big ribs celery, chopped small, leaves included
2 big handfuls spinach leaves and stems, chopped
1.5 L vege stock

2-3 Tbsp oil or margarine (I like Olivani here)
1 onion, thinly sliced
4 Tbsp brown rice flour (or wheat flour)
100mL almond milk (or rice milk or other plant-milk)
salt and pepper

Croutons or toast to serve.


1. Boil kūmara, celery, and spinach in stock until everything is soft. Puree.
2. Fry onions in margarine/oil till softening. Add flour and mix so that it coats the onions, and continue on a medium heat till flour turns toasty. Then whisk in almond milk.
3. Add pureed soup to the onion roux mixture and stir to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve hot with freshly prepared croutons or toast. Yum.

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