Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chocolate birthday cake (the best)

I had a friend's birthday to bake for and then Isa at the Post Punk Kitchen came out with this recipe for Chocolate Yoghurt Bundt Cake. It had to be done! I didn't have enough chocolate for both icing and putting in the cake, so I left out the chocolate chips. I also cut out some of the sugar, because I often find Isa's baked goods too sweet. The result was a very dark chocolate cake, which I quite enjoyed. But I think in this instance the sugar amount given is justified, especially without the chocolate chips. I did take inspiration from a Sacher torte, covering the cake in apricot jam and then a rich chocolate-based ganache.

This is a good cake if you want quick and easy without sacrificing fancy. With all the yoghurt, it's not even all that unhealthy. I think it might be the perfect cake. A cake's cake.

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