Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today's chocolate fix was a Kiwi classic, veganised from the ubiquitous Edmond's Cookbok.

(makes about 15)

200g Olivani (or other vegan marg)
75g caster sugar
175g flour
30g cocoa
50g cornflakes (or wheat flakes, etc)*
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (optional)

1 cup icing sugar
3 Tbsp cocoa
1 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp boiling water
6 squares dark vegan chocolate

walnuts / pecans / pistachios / dessicated coconut for decoration (optional)


1. Soften marg (if needed), add sugar, and beat until light and fluffy with an electric beater or a fork and lots of elbow grease (eww... is that even vegan?).
2. Add flour, cocoa, cornflakes and vanilla and mix till combined. I use my hands. It's ok if the cornflakes get broken!
3. Roll tablespoonfuls into balls (slightly flattened), and place on a greased or lined baking tray. Bake for 15 mins at 180 degrees celcius.

4. To make the icing, mix the icing sugar, cocoa, oil and water to form a glossy icing. It is actually delicious as it is, but to give it an extra chocolatey kick, try melting the chocolate and mixing it in.

5. When biscuits are cool, ice with icing and top with nuts or coconut if desired.

* If your flakes are not the freshest, I have heard that you can crisp them up by putting them on a baking tray (with sides, so they won't all fall off!) and baking them in the oven for 3 mins or so.

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